Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What's in a name

John Quiggin has decided to reclassify his political position as "socialist", rather than "social-democrat".

I tend to agree that this political classification stuff has become all rubbery and a tad pointless.  I liked this line in JQ's post:
As has been true for most of the history of the modern world, the only serious threat to democracy is now coming from the right.
Not sure about the part before the comma, but agree with the second part while ever Trump is in the chair.

On the other side of the political spectrum, I suspect Australian would-be libertarians have embraced "classical liberal" instead with relish in recent years to avoid association with American Rand-ian inspired libertarianisn,* which still has something of an air of obsessive nuttiness about it.   I've noticed that one defining thing about Australian "classical liberals":  their complete policy indifference  on climate change.   Yeah, they fret a lot about whether bicycle helmets are really worth it, people's right to inhale lead and formaldehyde laced e-cigarette vapours, and Andrew Bolt claiming trauma by going to court over the Racial Discrimination Act; but something that is literally going to re-shape the face of the planet  - well they have no interest, apart from whining about market distortion when governments support renewables.   They're about the last people who should have political power at the moment.

And by the way:  Graeme Bird is apparently commenting at JQ's post, and managing to sound eccentric, but not entirely mad.  The medication must be helping...

*  yeah, yeah, she denied she was one, but she was an unreliable nutter generally


not trampis said...

Bird is we ll qualified to write deep and incisive articles at Catallaxy.

Steve said...

Quite true.

anon said...

Homer , at some stage you should leave all the sex stuff and try to teach the sexbot political economy.

Steve said...

These sexbot comments are making no sense to me..I'll start deleting unless there is some explanation..

anon said...

They don’t any sense? Why not? It’s pretty clear.

Steve said...

My comment deleting finger is getting itchy...

Anonymous said...

No wonder no one ever comes here and you have only Homer Paxton posting comments - the biggest idiot on Australian blogs. You can't help yourself.

not trampis said...

You are projecting JC

Steve said...

Homer, do you have any idea what this is about?

not trampis said...

JC is as intelligent and delusional as Trump.

how would anyone know?