Thursday, December 07, 2017

All Hail Google

Here's something I didn't realise 'til I looked it up last night, as I waited in a vast car parking area at 11.15 pm to collect a couple of teenage girls from a concert.  (Don't worry, one was my daughter.)*

You can tell Google Maps to show your location to someone in your contacts, and just for a limited time. 

A very helpful idea when trying to meet someone in an open, crowded area.  

*  I had heard people complaining before about the complete failure of the Brisbane Entertainment Centre and/or Council to work out a way to let the car park empty in less than about 75 minutes after a concert.  Yes, it's all true.  Hard to believe, really, given the way the centre is not far from two major roadways you can use to get into the city. 

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