Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Anti Tattoo League

I am getting tired of waiting for fashion sense to turn against tattoos, particularly on women. 

Call me sexist, but young men generally are known to be silly risk takers in all  aspects of life.  Ask the insurance companies; and I noted last year the "accident hump" for young men, which apparently "exists in almost all societies and is statistically well documented."

So, it doesn't surprise me that garish and godawful tattoos which will fade into horrible splotchly things in 30 years time appear to be a good idea to some relatively young men.  Of course, this doesn't help explain why any man over 25 gets a tattoo, but who am I to disagree with a few decades of American sitcoms which sociologically prove that women are actually, unknown to their oblivious husbands, the most sensible ones in 9 out of 10 marriages.

So, women:  come on, you mature earlier and are supposed to be the moderating influence on stupid young men.  Hence, I am getting increasingly disturbed at the amount of awful, large tattoos appearing on women's arms.  There is no sense of the tattoo craze petering out for females at all yet - in fact, at this rate, I expect to see our Prime Minister return from summer holidays with a "Timbo 4 eva" tatt, complete with a facsimile of her beau armed with haircutting scissors and dryer emblazoned on the large expanse of skin she often shows between her chin and bustline.  (See here, here, and especially here.)   My previous cautious hope that tattooing has peaked seems to have been misplaced. 

I've said before that the small tattoo on the back of the neck (which seems popular with women) is a bit silly:  they're never going to see it themselves, so it's just self branding for the audience that's behind them in the shopping centre.  But at least it could always be hidden in future if they tire of it by virtue of longer hair. As for smallish tattoos on the breast line or ankle:  again, depends what they wear, but it's not always going to be on display if it turns ugly in future.

But lately I have been noticing absolutely horrendously large tattooing down arms on otherwise conservatively dressed and coiffed women, who don't particularly seem to be wanting to make a "look at me" statement to the world - except, that is (by way of recent example) for the ghoulish zombie like face that is on the forearm handing me change at the newsagent.   Or the shift manager (for goodness sake) at the MacDonalds I was at today, whose entire left arm was devoted to an extensive fairy world themed tattoo.   Granted, it was better than the newsagent's tatt, but you look at this otherwise attractive enough young-ish woman in short sleeves and all you can see is an enormous, arm-devouring fairy tattoo.  

I think it's time society (or at least, the over 50, wanting-to-control-the-rest-of-society-for-their-own-good part of society to which I subscribe) to start taking matters into our own hands.   I mean, would nice women with tatts in a public environment really punch out people for making the quiet observation "my God, that's a hideous tattoo", or "I would notice your nice face if it wasn't for the fact that you seem to want people to stare only at your arm", or the more vindictive take "tattoos are generally kitsch art*; yours particularly so.  I hope you regret it now, or will in the future"?  Maybe all of them could then be followed up with a quick "Nothing personal, mind you.  I hate the tatt, not the person, but nonetheless seek to encourage a severe reduction in tattooing by whatever guerilla tactic I can muster."

I mean, I seriously want to say those things to men too (well, not the bit about the nice face) but I'm not completely insane.  And let's face it:  women can have substantial influence on men, but it ain't going to happen with tattoos while ever they are in a competition for garish arm covering ones too.

So the tactic is identified, and all we need now is to apply it. Join the league.  I won't do it alone...

*  Oddly enough, I Googled "kitsch" to check the spelling, which led me to the Wikipedia entry on the topic which notes the important contributions of both Kant and Hegel to the philosophy of aesthetics; two philosophers who I have recently been discussing at this very blog in other contexts.   I was obviously destined to make this post.

UPDATE:  whaddya know:  Kant did discuss tattoos briefly, and did not approve.


Proudlyink'd said...

The differance between a tattoed, and non-tattooed person is tattooed people don't care if you're not tattooed, get a life you shmuck

Anonymous said...

Why not stop at tattoos? Do you not like people that dye their hair red? Let's everyone confront anyone on the street and make horrid comments about what they don't like about their appearance.
You're an idiot. Nothing personal mind you.

Anonymous said...

I have always believed tattoos to be masculine and they turn me off when hard to ignore large ones are on women. I have also always, and now more than ever, believed that a womans perfect, smooth, white skin is the most beauty that exists on earth, and tattoos do NOT improve it, thay only take it away. Thank you very much for speaking up.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am one of those people who just never understood the fascination with getting a tattoo. I do not have any nor want any. However, I am open-minded and I think getting a tattoo is subjective. Hey, if it makes you happy do what ever you want to your body. I can only assume that the writers of all the articles defending tattoos has some of their own. I also think there is a common misconception of folks that have tattoos. Some examples I have read somewhere else include that one person thought that dying their hair red was a similar comparison to getting a tattoo. Obviously your hair will change colors again. Also, as quoted in this writer's article by another reader, “The only difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is that tattooed people don’t give a shit that you don’t have tattoos!”, is not true. Example, I have some good friends that constantly ask me why I don't have any tattoos as they do and when am I going to get one. When I tell them its not for me, that just seems to antagonize them more and it's become a question they ask me every time I see them now. Its almost like somehow I have become the bad guy and look down on them now just by answering a question they asked me. I guess that's what bothers me most and has been my personal experience with friends that have tattoos. Tattoos seem to go back in time many many years, however I can remember not to many decades ago that having them seemed very rare. What I also find interesting is those that have tattoos seem to always put them in places where they can hide them easily which seems to defeat the purpose unless getting for your own satisfaction, which would make more sense. I would also just like to mention, in my experience, with close friends that have tattoos, they say their reason for getting tattoos was because of something important in their lives (e.g. kids, military service, graduation, etc...). I guess my view on that is, if you have been through a life experience and you want to remember it, there are many other ways. Isn't having a son or daughter enough reminder that your are a proud parent? These are just my thoughts and I have never judged anyone with tattoos, but do not have any myself and cannot foresee myself getting any. To be completely honest, I just find tattoos unattractive and generally unnatural, period. Maybe someone will change my mind?

Anonymous said...

My opinion is the the person who makes a tattoo, should be persecuted as a criminal, harming others person body. Hate these tattooed stupid monkeys. And note, tattoos are directly related to the educational level of the person. The lower it is, the more this stupid rubbish on the body. Wont to express yourself? Buy a canvas or blank t-shirt and express all your talents, but tattoo really looks like your body decayed

Anonymous said...

Steve I agree with you completely. I loathe those eye sores on both men and women but as a guy I look at women. It is stupid. Why any woman would want to look masculine is beyond me. Such a shame. These people are being brainwashed into this crazy fad without little regard for its permancy and the affect on getting employment or hence even a desirable mate. Notice most of the tattoo people smoke. This is telling that they are insecure followers. Except for celebrities, the larger the inome the less likely one is to get a tattoo, hence for smoking as well. See my point???

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with your point about the tattoos people have for their children, I've never understoon that craze, are they going to forget their child's name? Or that they have a child?
Everyone"s entitled to their own opinion, but I've never come across a pro tattoo post slating none tattooed people for their choices not to be tattooed, I'd also deem it very rude to keep asking my none tattooed freinds why they don't have tattoos (and vice versa, which often seems the case as per these anti tattoo articles)

Anonymous said...

*that *want
One of my tattooists is a qualified teacher, the other has a degree in fine art (as many do).
You're entitled to your opinion but have you considdered that the people getting tattoos are indeed a blank canvas which is simply being painted?

Anonymous said...

For the most part you're right. Tattoos are popular at the moment and everyone wants a piece of the action whether behind or under the needle. Then complain and wonder 'why can I not find work in a conventional high paying industry'.
If they wanted to go into a conventional industry where tattoos are frowned upon they should have thought harder on the placement of their tattoos, it is a choice afterall. As for smoking, that seems a generalisation with little evidence in my book. For celebrities with tattoos I've found money can't buy them class no taste when it comes to their ink, just more money to spend on bad choices of artwork, which is a shame as there are so many fantastic artists in the tattoo trade if they cared to do their research which many don't thus creating the misconception that all tattoos are as bad as they were in the 50s.

Anonymous said...

why do you care so much about what other people do? grow up and quit being an internet troll.

Mikael said...

The problem with tattoos is that it's so definite.
When you are 18, you know exactly what the world is like and nothing will make you change your mind.
You put it in a tattoo, end of discussion, period!
I hate that kind of world.

Anonymous said...

It's also that they are, apart from repulsive and a kind of silly revolt against the human body and civilized humanity, a stupid form of expression. The expressive power of these individuals is reduced to a display of narcissism at the artistic level of a cheap comic book. They say nothing about the person other than memorializing a few basic thoughts they had at some moment. They're stupid and ugly and in the end just separate morons from people with sense.

sophiedidwhat said...

I've written a post inspired by this one. It's a ramble.

I think people just need to stop being so opinionated about things that's truly none of their business.


Anonymous said...

I have two tattoos ,one which says " this tattoo is to remind me that my primary source of memory is my mind " and a second which states " look what an individual I am " although I am we'll educated and from a privileged background a like to give the vast majority of people the first impression that I may be a pirate ,from a tribal society , a rockstar , a sportsman , a gangster and from the lower end of the socio-economic strata

Anonymous said...

You are all ridiculous. For you to sit there behind a computer and say that tattoos seperate morons from people with sense is an absurd comment. It also furiates me to read that people with tattoos are not well educated and don't have a high paying job. I am a cardiothoracic surgeon at a very important hospital. I also have 3 tattoos. I am also a woman. Those things, especially the tattoos, did not have any effect on my level of understanding and comprehension. I think its time we all just worry about ourselves instead of branding our society with a sterotype that is not in any sense true.

Anonymous said...

I for one don't really like the look of tattoos. Clear skin is beautiful and tattoos seem like blemishes to me. But to each his own. One thing, however, that is overlooked is the effects of permanently injecting ink into your skin. Skin is the body's largest organ and a lot of inks/ pigments have chemical/ heavy metals in them. No way I want that stuff in my body.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot. I am currently going to college for electrical engineering, and I am the only one in my class who's heavily tattooed. I am always at the top of my class! Oh heavens to Jesus no!!!!! Go choke on a corporate dick, you conservative tool. I would rather be living paycheck to paycheck then work for a company that overlooks my work ethic and focuses on my ink.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos show a disrespect for ones beautiful God-given body. To intentionally scar it for life with useless graffiti is childish, immature and well, downright stupid.
These people are obviously mentally ill. If you are feeling like you have to get one to join the group, please don't. You'll be really glad you didn't get one later.

Lindsey said...

Whoever made the point about education level and tattoos is just way off base. I have a Masters in Philosophy and have visible tattoos (and I'm a woman, oh my!). Many of my colleagues are tattooed, even the head of our department.
It's impossible to know why anyone got his/her tattoo, and so it's childish and immature to project the meaning onto them. "You just want people to look at you! You're insecure!" Poppycock.
Just let people be who they are, assume they're making informed choices that make them happy, and don't be a dick about it.

Anonymous said...

I guess some people are gay as bat shit.
I love me some tattoo's on hot women.
...and in 30-50 years everyone's skin looks like shit so who gives a shit?

Anonymous said...

Hmm... How do I feel about tattoos? If I go to a bar, almost EVERYONE has one. If I have lunch at my local country club with my girlfriends, NO ONE has one. My personal opinion doesn't matter... The sad truth is that tattoos DO define people as being low(er)-class. Sadly, most people are okay with looking ghetto...

Anonymous said...

Saying all people with tattoos are lower-class and uneducated is like saying a black person is poor and is most likely a criminal. Judging people based on appearance is always WRONG! It is your own prejudism and your own problem. Having a tattoo does not affect ones ability to do their job or defines their class. Anyway, class is such an old-fashioned thing, british and obsolete. No one cares about someone's class in the US, Australia, NZ or any other developed country.

Anonymous said...

So many people have tattoos now that the rebellious edge they once had is long gone, and they're basically mainstream. I don't waste my money on tatts, and I take pride in not having any.

Anonymous said...

Heavily tattooed, employed, married, children, grandchildren, working musician, anti-child abuse activist (B.A.C.A.) armed, God fearing, free thinking patriot....go fuck yourself.....

Anonymous said...

fuck you, honest

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to read your post, as we share a similar dislike of tattoos. I dislike tattoos to the point that people wonder why I am so obsessed? Why can't I just let people live as they like? I used to refuse to date man that smoked or had tattoos. Who wants to kiss an ashtray? But why tattoos? At one point I decided to give a guy a pass if he'd been in the military. The same forgivenesss might be given to ex-cons, although I generally avoid dating ex-cons. Then I started forgiving policeman with tatoos, although I don't find myself dating many men in blue. I've had to drop my tattoo restriction, although I am always grateful when a man's tattoo's aren't highly large or visible.

Incidentally, I am a non-practicing Jew. Jewish religion forbids tattoos (see Maybe there is something innate in my DNA that rejects them, and I feel the pain of Holocaust victims identified solely by their numbered tattoos.

I would love to see a socio-economic breakdown of who gets tattoos. However, as a non-traditional law student, I was quite surprised to see the arge number of law students with tattoos, some of which are highly, highly visible. I wonder...what jury is going to hear a word she says? I put my art on my walls, not my body. I expect to get the same responses you got, but at least you know that you are not alone in your sensibilities.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more beautiful or sexier than a naked body. Face it, with tattoos you can never ever have it. Plus in my humble opinion art is for walls and museums....

Anonymous said...

"A woman's perfect, smooth, white skin..." Worst thing I've ever read