Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Extreme vice-regal-ness

Canadian governor asks for tasty treat – raw seal heart

The Queen's representative in north America was visiting an Inuit community in Nunavut, in the Arctic, when a couple of dead seals were laid out before her in ­symbolic defiance of a looming EU ban on seal products. With an ulu blade, a traditional knife, she bent over one of the freshly killed seals and cut along its body. After firmly slicing through the flesh and pulling back the skin, she turned to the woman beside her and asked for a taste. "Could I try the heart?" she said.

A chunk of the organ was duly cut out and handed to Jean, who took a few bites, chewed on it and pronounced it good.

"It's like sushi," she said, according to the Canadian Press news agency. "And it's very rich in protein."

When Quentin Bryce does something like that, my respect for her will increase.

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