Monday, March 23, 2009

More weekend viewing

Guardian Angels - Landline - ABC

Cute story on Landline yesterday about big white dogs that guard chickens and penguins in Victoria from foxes. It kept putting me in mind of the Looney Tunes sheepdog/coyote cartoons, except I didn't know that dogs were happy to guard birds too. (Actually, I see that it was sheepdog/wolf, just that the wolf looked almost exactly like Wile E Coyote.)

Cat lovers, show us what useful things they do, again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These dogs are incredible
Not far from my mothers place in sydney is a free range comercial chook yard with a few of these dogs guarding it.
They spend all their life looking after the chickens, like sentinels, rain or shine, day and night
When i first saw them i thought they were some kind of scarecrow shaped like a big dog they were so still
Not the first thought that comes to mind as a protector of chickens is it