Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let's hope the garage remote doesn't interfere

Sperm 'tap' planned for reversible vasectomy - tech - 28 January 2008 - New Scientist Tech

From the story:

A radio-controlled contraceptive implant that could control the flow of sperm from a man's testicles is being developed by scientists in Australia.

The device is placed inside the vas deferens – the duct which carries sperm from each testicle to the penis. When closed, it blocks the flow of sperm cells, allowing them to pass again when it is opened via a remote control. The valve could be a switchable alternative to vasectomy, the researchers say.

Some time ago I posted about the issue of ongoing pain sometimes caused by vasectomies. Given that it is believed that the type of vasectomy which seals off the vas deferens on the "supply side" of the cut is more likely to cause pain, I expect that any implantable plug within the vas is also at risk of having higher rate of pain.

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