Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Support from Salon

The road to 9/11 and beyond | Salon Books

When you dig past the weekly articles expressing the writers' ongoing horror of all things Bush, you occasionally find within a Salon article that a bit of support for the President somehow slips through.

For example, there is this week a review of a new book on the background to the 9/11 attacks which contains this line:

Today, from Bush and Cheney speeches to the nation's Op-Ed pages, we continue to be bombarded with declarations about whether the al-Qaida faithful hate America for its freedoms or for its policies. Wright's work reveals that the answer, clearly, is both.

Well, that seems close enough to count as support for the Bush "they hate us for our freedoms" speech of 20 September 2001. How nice of Salon.

You should read the review to see why the author argues this. It is interesting.

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