Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I don't understand

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical

Because I can't get free access to this report, or to the BMJ article, I can only see this introduction, and I don't see how his argument works:

A leading doctor has accused Western plastic surgeons who perform cosmetic surgery on the vagina of undermining the battle against female circumcision in other parts of the world.

Writing in the British Medical Journal, Ronan Conroy, senior lecturer at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, says the growing acceptance in Britain and elsewhere of so-called "designer vaginas" was exposing Western double standards.

I mean, aren't "designer vaginas" intended to enhance function, and female circumcision doing the exact opposite?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It created a lot of comment in the rapid responses area of the BMJ rightly pointing out that there is a world of difference between entering into cosmetic surgery voluntarily and female genital mutiltion. The article seemed completely wrong headed to me.
